Thursday 16 December 2010

Masculinity in Crisis

Masculinity in Crisis

Roles we’re given. Life Course Prescribed. Life was full of certainties
Meta narratives
The End of Modernity
The grand certainties of Modernity began to be challenged during the late 1960s

Globalisation, Mass Media, Excessive consumerism, multi-identity. Life is fluid.
A sea of possibilities      Gender roles/identity are changing at work at home.

Crisis of Masculinity
What it is to be a man has come into question. Are men defined by their machismo, their caring side (the new man), are they metro sexual (defined by a new male consumerism).
Fight Club is an angry defence of ‘traditional’ masculinity. Forget the new man lets return to a world of honest masculine brutality and a rejection of any ‘feminine side’. of new

Google the crisis of Masculinity
This will offer a useful social context for understanding and interpreting the film.

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