Friday 17 December 2010

Conceptualising British Cinema

In the 1990s Andrew Higson tried to conceptualise national cinema along broader lines that purely economic ones or who made the film.

The point of looking at conceptualisation is to enable you to question the question in your examination. Questions about British Film have to assume we all agree what a British Film is - yet in a globalised world national boundaries of badges are sometimes outdated.

Higson essentially offers four paradigms for conteptualising national ( for us British) cinema.

Who invested in the film. What percentage of the financing was from British sources?

Is a British film a film that British people watch - if that's the case then all successful Hollywood films are in fact British

This looks at themes and locations, Actors and directors - are they British?

Criticism Lead
The argument suggests that British film is somehow culturally more important than mass entertainment Hollywood film. What we might call first cinema. British film is challenging, avent garde or High Art.

Check your e mail 17/12/10 I sent a PPT file with a more orthodox discription of British film.


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