Thursday 19 May 2011

Women and Soaps overview

Women and Soaps

Institutional Perspective
Backbone of the schedule
Highly popular genre
Public Service – framework

Genric Textual Features
In general soaps are characterized by:
  1. serial form which resists narrative closure; * (further discussion of narrative later)
  2. multiple characters and plots;
  3. use of time which parallels actual time and implies that the action continues to take place whether we watch it or not;
  4. abrupt segmentation between parts;
  5. emphasis on dialogue, problem solving, and intimate conversation;
  6. many of the male characters portrayed as 'sensitive men';
  7. the home, or some other place which functions as a home, is the setting for the show.

Soap as Trash
Soap operas have  been characterized in dominant discourse by their excesses—
too much talk, too much emotion, too little action,  too much romance,  too many plots, too many characters, too simple,  too little social commentary, too ordinary.

However, despite the universal disdain heaped upon them, soap operas are immensely popular with women. (and some men)

Why are soaps popular with women?

Consider why they are called soaps

Their unique narrative structure
·         It refuses closure,
  • contains non-hierarchical and multiple plots and characters,
  • features a balanced point of view
  • omniscient narration

·         They prioritise dialogue over action
·         Rely on gossip within the text
·         Creates gossip outside the text

Why do Women watch soaps

Christine Geraghty has tried to explain why soap has such a strong appeal for women.

A central female character with whom the audience are encouraged to identify.

An acknowledgement of the importance of the domestic sphere in people’s lives.

An emphasis on the importance of relationships

The privileging of fantasy linked to the private sphere.

A cultural space of their own.

A range of representations of women within soap

In Coronation Street 54% of the cast are women and 48 % of the cast are women in Eastenders.
Coronation Street has a wide range of women in terms of age – 15% being over 65.
The range of occupations in British Soap for women are very limited. 90% of character occupations are in the C2 – E social stratification. We can argue there fore that women are less objectified in Soap but are Symbolically Annihilated.

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