Thursday 27 January 2011

Who would be the audience for your media product ?

Who would be the audience for your media product ?                                                                                                                                                              

You’ll need to construct an evaluation section on your BLOG – use labels.
In answering the questions point the examiner to relevant posts in the BLOG
In order to get a top band mark your Evaluation needs to be more than just words. Be creative in how you present your information.

Testing the imaginary entity.
The imaginary entity is a term given to the ideal reader (consumer) of the text. It is argued that text producers have in mind an ideal reader when they produce a text.
Remember the ideal reader does not exist it is an imaginary entity. Audiences are not homogeneous but are made up of individuals.
1.    Who would be the audience for your media product?

In answering question 1 you need to tell the examiner who is the target audience and why. Explain how you developed your concept of an imaginary entity via a questionnaire. The questionnaire enabled you to develop a lifestyle profile for your target audience. Then collate your research from the lesson. Tell the examiner that having tested the magazine on a focus group how your notion of the target audience has shifted (if it has).
Make reference to the encoding decoding model and discuss how your focus group read the magazine cover. The encoding decoding model needs to be referenced in your research section. (Notes available on intranet)

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