Thursday 27 January 2011

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? 

Essentially this is a question about genre.

Refers to a category of media product that audiences can easily recognise because of the repetition over time of key elements, such as narrative, characters and setting.

Most Media Texts have what we call Generic Textual Features. Music Magazines are no different.

narrative - similar (sometimes formulaic) plots and structures, predictable situations, sequences, episodes, obstacles, conflicts and resolutions;

characterization - similar types of characters (sometimes stereotypes), roles, personal qualities, motivations, goals, behaviour;

basic themes, topics, subject matter

setting - geographical and historical;

iconography - a familiar stock of images or motifs, the connotations of which have become fixed; primarily but not necessarily visual, including décor, costume and objects, certain 'typecast' performers, familiar patterns of dialogue,

Plan for answering question 3
1 Introduce concept of Genre
2 Generic Textual features of Music Magazine
3 Encoder Decoder model audience expectations
4 Did you conform or push boundaries?
5 Closing Summative paragraph

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