Thursday 27 January 2011

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

AS Media Evaluation                              Question

How does your media product represent particular social groups?


1.    Define representation

      The act of communicating by using symbols to stand for things.

2.    What Social group(s) does you magazine represent?

      You could here explain your understanding of Social Stratification

3.    How are representations constructed?
All Representations are a choice, representation is a selective process. All representations go through a process of mediation.
No representation is a complete truth.

4.    Tell the examiner what factors led to you constructing the representation as you did. These should include:
            Your own world view All encoders have their own preconceptions
            Intertextuality – how does your representation link to other representations?
            Target Audience – what are your imaginary entity’s preconceptions?
            Is your representation positive or negative?
            Is representation denotative (easily understood) or connotative (more complex)

5.    What are the impact of Representations: two models of approach
                        Hegemonic                                                     Pluralist
                        Media Centric                                                 Society Centric
       Representation affects the audience       Representation does not affect the audience

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