Michael Moores
Bowling for Columbine
Typical Day in United States
Title Sequence
Toy Guns juxtaposes guns with childhood innocence
Introduces Charlton Heston – narrative uses filmic evidence
Dog shoots man – humour
Michigan Militia – McVie Williams – draws links between terrorists and Michigan militia
Mad Farmer
Shooting scene quick editing builds from humour to horror
Liddleton – great place to live happy people, houses with shutters and panic rooms juxtaposed with nuclear weapons manufacture.
Trees of Green – juxtaposes music with stark images and titles.
USA hits school and hospital in Kosovo
Columbine shooting scene – sound over empty school
Charlton Heston NRA rally juxtaposed with Parent speech
South Park interview
Impact of post columbine of kids – advert with kids sneaking in guns kids are really something to fear.
Who was to blame – Marilyn Manson
Manson interview
Bowling gym credits – why not blame bowling
Comparison with other countries
Brief history of US south park style
Evening news – scares, 2ky, killer bees
Culture of fear
Cops - reality TV on Documentary
Canada – doors not locked
Phone call – shooting by six year old – music soothing hand
Charlton Flint
Try the child
Mother of killer – welfare increasing pity
Lot of activity to produce fear – corporate government can continue
Boy shot at columbine – moore takes him back to store
Interview with Heston
Picture of girl