Monday 19 September 2011

AS Media Magazine BLOG worklist

1)  Set up a diary with the label planning. This should be updated weekly. Comments about what you have done in the preceeding week and what you plan to do next week. (Planning)

2) Annotation of a magazine using forms and conventions identified in lesson. (research)

3) Annotation of school Magazine (preliminary task)

4) Mock-up of Front Cover for your school magazine ( Preliminary task, Planning)

5) Planning your photo shoot (Preliminary Task Planning)

6) Outline of your selection process - how did you decide upon the final photos (Preliminary Task Planning)

7) Semiotic analysis of Music Magazine (research)

8) School magazine front cover posted up (preliminary task)

9) Digital (not hand drawn) mock up of school magazine contents page (preliminary task)

10) You should have a post detailing your intended target audience and a lifestyle profile of your imaginary entity. (Target Audience)

11) Mock up of your magazine front cover. This needs to be supported by an explanation of your ideas and how they have been influenced by Target Audience and Imaginary entity, by other magazines covers, consideration of your Double Page Spread and Contents Page. Make reference to font choice(s). (planning)

12) Planning for you photo shoot - remember that you may have to do another photo shoot for your contents page and you double page spread

13) A post detailing the selection process of you final front cover image(s) - why does that photo appeal to your imaginary entity.

14) Your front cover should be posted up after the lesson on 10/11/11. Finished or not. It is useful for the examiner to see the progress toward the finished text.

15) Three fellow students should now have completed your lifestyle questionnaire from the point of view of who they think the target audience is. Their conception of your target audience should come from looking at your front cover. Look at their answers compared to your original anwers to see how close they are. Make a summative comment about this audience feedback and make possible adjustments in the light of those comments. this should be labelled audience feedback, planning

16) As part of your research should post up some information on how magazines make money with reference to the structural triangle.  label research

16i) You need to post up a rate card and revenue projection for your magazine. This should also include 5 potential companies that would want to advertise in your magazine. Also include a real ratecard.

17) Front Cover should be posted up. Let the examiner see the evolution of the product. Draft - Partially constructed - final cover.  (label Main task)

18) Research double page spread (DPS)- post up one that has inspired you with some analysis. (labels Research, Planning)

19) Mock up DPS (Label Planning)

20) Planning your photo shoot - it's important not to populate your double page spread with pictures that are exactly like the front cover. Need some variety (planning)

21) Try and incorporate mine and other's feedback to your front cover.Try and have a multi media approach to presenting feedback. Take that feedback and try and useit to influence the production of your double page spread and contents page.

22) Post up some research into the challenges facing the magazine industry

23) you should repeat the same process you went through with your DPS (research, planning, partial production, feedback, final production final feedback) for your Contents Page (CP). Your CP should make reference to those articles mentioned on the front cover and others.

24) Complete you research exercise and post it up. This should have two labels - research and Target Audience. Make sure your research is thorough and well presented. Visuals and hyperlinks. Demonstrate your ICT skills.

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