Friday 17 September 2010

AS Film Approaching the Film

Approaching the text:

Questions to be asked:

1. What are the main subject areas of interest in this film? What are the main themes and ideas being addressed?

2. Is this film typical of any particular genre? ~ what ways is it typical and in what ways is it not typical?

3. Do any extracts from the dialogue seem to be especially important? In what ways might these lines be seen to be significant?

4~ What is the significance of the music in particular scenes? Is it diegetic, or non-diegetic? Are there any other interesting ~elements in the use of sound?

5. What is the significance of the lighting in particular scenes?

6. Are there any scenes/sequences/shots you feel work particularly well? How? Why? Significance?

7. What about the characters? Are they complex or simple to understand? Is their motivation clear? Are they rounded, or flat and stereotypical?

8. What is the significance of costume in particular scenes? Does it help to convey character and/or oppositions?

9. Are there any significant uses of props? Are there any props used in such a way as to become recurring images?

10.       How are men and women represented in the film? Do they comply with stereotypical role models, or do they defy the conventional?

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